
The Early Years Funding entitlement can be very complicated, especially when it is advertised as “FREE” childcare. This is very misleading to families, especially when it is only offered for 38 weeks per year. The majority of working parents require childcare all year round. We therefore hope you find this guide helpful.

What is the Universal Funded Early Education Entitlement (FEEE) for 3 year olds?

From the term after your child turns 3 you will be entitled to 15 hours of universal funding regardless of income and financial position.

What is Funded Early Education Entitlement (FEEE) for 3 year olds extended offer, 2 year olds and from 9 months?

Working families, (inclusive of single parent and nuclear families) who work a minimum of 16 hours each at minimum wage and do not earn over £100,000 each per year are entitled to the following funding. All families will need to apply for the above funding. Once approved please send over your child's code, along with the main applicant's name, national insurance number and date of birth so that we can complete the secondary checks with Essex. Applications can be made via Codes will need to be reconfirmed approximately every 12 weeks but you may not always receive a reminder for this from the government.

Government application

Please note any applications that are not processed before the end of the current term will not be able to be used for the next term. For example if your child is eligible for 2 year funding from April but you do not receive your code by March 31st, you will not be able to access the funding until September.

Shared providers

Scallywags Nursery will work in partnership with another setting and share funding with them. Please note the funding shared between the settings cannot exceed the total funding entitlement.

Consumable Charge (Additional service charge)

The funding entitlement only covers your child’s education and does not include any additional services such as meals, high quality resources, extra-curricular activities such as sing and sign. This will be added to your invoice as a £15 consumable charge.

Why is your child’s place not “FREE”?

Scallywags strives to deliver the highest quality care and outstanding practice for our children and families. With the hourly funding rates we receive from the government we would have to make considerable cuts to the care we provide and feel this would be detrimental to our children’s care and experiences that Scallywags provides.