Location Advantages

Scallywags Nursery Chelmsford is located on the Beaulieu Park housing estate, situated in the sports pavilion in Burnell Gate. We have the luxury of being situated on the large playing field and also have the benefit of open spaces and play areas which are used daily by all the children.

Being sited within a local community, with good transport links and easy available access to various sites of interest, means that we are able to take groups of children on local trips. Parks, Train Stations, Fire Station, Public Gardens, Supermarkets and Libraries etc. are all within easy reach. These local amenities provide ample opportunities for children to learn about the life around them, gain knowledge and understanding of the world and have a sense of community.

Get in touch

We do hope this website answers some of your questions regarding our setting and the service we provide, however feel free to contact us or pop in for an informal chat or just to look around.

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Our Vision:

Our Aims:

Babies and young children must have the very best early education and care. If those working with young children have the necessary skills, knowledge and understanding, they have the potential to offer the formative experience all young children deserve.

This means our setting:

  • Prioritise the training and development of all early years’ practitioners.
  • Every child is able to experience high quality care and education, through open ended experiences.
  • Staff have strong professional identity, take pride in their role and are recognised and valued by parents, professionals and society in a whole.
  • The importance of childhood is understood, respected and valued and is supported by well qualified early year’s practitioners.

We aim to create a clean, bright and safe environment with a very happy atmosphere. We provide open-ended resources to stimulate the children and offer activities which aid their development both physically, emotionally and socially.

  • To provide a friendly, homely, caring environment in which we hope your child will be able to grow in confidence, independence and social awareness
  • To provide safe, secure and stimulating environment
  • To recognise the individual needs for every child made possible by the ratio of adults to children
  • To provide educational learning for children based on the National Curriculum and Early Learning Goals
  • To ease the transition from nursery to school




Baby Unit

3 months-2years (max 9 children)

Our Jungle cubs and Water babies have 2 play rooms to explore.
The jungle cub room is tailored to the smaller, non- walking babies, were toys and resources are accessible at their level.
In the water babies room we encourage a variation of messy play activities such as baked bean play, mashed potato play, Geli Baff, play dough, cloud dough.
Routine is very important and this is why we make sure we follow your baby’s routine throughout their nursery day. Our practitioners aim to build close partnerships with parents and carers to help ensure the continuity of care between home and nursery. The babies are introduced gradually to different Nursery practitioners can support parents in areas such as weaning, routines and all other areas of their child’s development.
The baby unit have their own changing area used for nappies and storage of personal belonging such as comforters, nappies, personal creams and change of clothing. There is also coat pegs for the under 2’s provided outside their rooms for the children's personal belongings.
Our under 2’s are able to enjoy a wide range of daily activities, extended from their individual child’s interests and needs. Our activities include messy play, sensory play, story and song time, physical games, manipulative skills, creating music and dance, small world play.
The baby rooms provide care for a maximum of 9 children with 4 members of staff, providing a high adult to child ratio.  The children are able to split into 2 age groups to provide one room for children 3-12 months and another for 12-24 months, however children spend time in both of these rooms daily to differ their play and learning experiences.


Ofsted 2018- “Staff animatedly talk to babies during activities and everyday routines. They use techniques such as repeating single words and phrases, expertly increasing and extending children’s language skills.”

Little Explorers


In this room we support their individual needs and encourage and support their social skills and independence.
The practitioners aim to introduce simple daily routines and activities in a fun and exciting way, which help develop and meet the individual needs of all the children.
We realise that each child has their own requirements, we will work with your child and family with potty training and follow your routine when ready.
Learning through interaction with people and exploration of the world around them. Encouraging them to build positive relationships with those around them.
The little explorer’s room is small and personal, allowing children to create bonds with their peers and key workers.
The room is also utilised for our toddlers who do not sleep during the day, and is used for quiet activities during this time.
The room is complete with home corner, kitchen area, accessible toys and open-ended resources as well as a messy area with a variety of arts crafts. The close garden allows children to have free-flow access daily.



Juris Doctor, 2002

B.A., Art History, 1999

Activities & Affiliations

• ABCD Bar Association, Member

Bar Admissions

• New York, California